Results for 'Kent L. Sandstrom Daniel D. Martin'

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  1.  10
    Symbollc lnteractlonlsm at the End of the Century.Kent L. Sandstrom Daniel D. Martin - 2001 - In Barry Smart & George Ritzer, Handbook of social theory. Thousands Oaks, Calif.: SAGE.
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  2. Gary Alan fine.Kent L. Sandstrom & Daniel D. Martin - 2001 - In Barry Smart & George Ritzer, Handbook of social theory. Thousands Oaks, Calif.: SAGE. pp. 217.
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    On Nomological Validity and Auxiliary Assumptions: The Importance of Simultaneously Testing Effects in Social Cognitive Theories Applied to Health Behavior and Some Guidelines.Martin S. Hagger, Daniel F. Gucciardi & Nikos L. D. Chatzisarantis - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    L’Arabie marchande: État et commerce sous les sultans rasūlides du Yémen (626–858/1229–1454). By Éric Vallet.Daniel Martin Varisco - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 133 (1).
    L’Arabie marchande: État et commerce sous les sultans rasūlides du Yémen. By Éric Vallet. Bibliothèque historique des pays d’Islam, vol. 1. Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 2010. Pp. 872. €90.
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    Comparing quality of reporting between preprints and peer-reviewed articles in the biomedical literature.Olavo B. Amaral, Vanessa T. Bortoluzzi, Sylvia F. S. Guerra, Steven J. Burgess, Richard J. Abdill, Pedro B. Tan, Martin Modrák, Lieve van Egmond, Karina L. Hajdu, Igor R. Costa, Gerson D. Guercio, Flávia Z. Boos, Felippe E. Amorim, Evandro A. De-Souza, David E. Henshall, Danielle Rayêe, Clarissa B. Haas, Carlos A. M. Carvalho, Thiago C. Moulin, Victor G. S. Queiroz & Clarissa F. D. Carneiro - 2020 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 5 (1).
    BackgroundPreprint usage is growing rapidly in the life sciences; however, questions remain on the relative quality of preprints when compared to published articles. An objective dimension of quality that is readily measurable is completeness of reporting, as transparency can improve the reader’s ability to independently interpret data and reproduce findings.MethodsIn this observational study, we initially compared independent samples of articles published in bioRxiv and in PubMed-indexed journals in 2016 using a quality of reporting questionnaire. After that, we performed paired comparisons (...)
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    L'information dans un cédérom et dans une brochure : La signalisation périphérique.Daniel Martins & Alexandra Ciaccia - 2004 - Hermes 39:101.
    Des collégiens lisaient le contenu d'une brochure ou d'un cédérom afin de répondre à des questions relatives aux caractéristiques de trois professions et devaient ensuite rappeler les informations correspondant aux réponses à ces questions ainsi que des informations proches de ces informations dans le texte. Une moitié des informations à rappeler était signalée par la mise en gras. Les résultats montrent des mécanismes de traitement analogues dans la brochure et le cédérom. Les résultats mettent aussi en évidence deux modalités différentes (...)
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    The identification of 100 ecological questions of high policy relevance in the UK.William J. Sutherland, Susan Armstrong-Brown, Paul R. Armsworth, Brereton Tom, Jonathan Brickland, Colin D. Campbell, Daniel E. Chamberlain, Andrew I. Cooke, Nicholas K. Dulvy, Nicholas R. Dusic, Martin Fitton, Robert P. Freckleton, H. Charles J. Godfray, Nick Grout, H. John Harvey, Colin Hedley, John J. Hopkins, Neil B. Kift, Jeff Kirby, William E. Kunin, David W. Macdonald, Brian Marker, Marc Naura, Andrew R. Neale, Tom Oliver, Dan Osborn, Andrew S. Pullin, Matthew E. A. Shardlow, David A. Showler, Paul L. Smith, Richard J. Smithers, Jean-Luc Solandt, Jonathan Spencer, Chris J. Spray, Chris D. Thomas, Jim Thompson, Sarah E. Webb, Derek W. Yalden & Andrew R. Watkinson - 2006 - Journal of Applied Ecology 43 (4):617-627.
    1 Evidence-based policy requires researchers to provide the answers to ecological questions that are of interest to policy makers. To find out what those questions are in the UK, representatives from 28 organizations involved in policy, together with scientists from 10 academic institutions, were asked to generate a list of questions from their organizations. 2 During a 2-day workshop the initial list of 1003 questions generated from consulting at least 654 policy makers and academics was used as a basis for (...)
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    L'Agriculture nabatéenne: Traduction en arabe attribuée à Abū Bakr Aḥmad b. ʿAlī al-Kasdānī connu sous le nom d'lbn Waḥšiyya .L'Agriculture nabateenne: Traduction en arabe attribuee a Abu Bakr Ahmad b. Ali al-Kasdani connu sous le nom d'lbn Wahsiyya . Two Volumes. [REVIEW]Daniel Martin Varisco & Toufic Fahd - 1997 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 117 (2):389.
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    Experts dans le domaine, experts en Internet : Les effets sur la recherche d'information.Madjid Ihadjadene & Daniel Martins - 2004 - Hermes 39:133.
    Une des solutions au problème de surcharge d'information, consiste à organiser dynamiquement l'ensemble de résultats trouvés en thèmes . L'utilisateur peut ainsi naviguer rapidement dans le résultat de sa requête. L'objectif de cette recherche est d'examiner comment l'activité de recherche d'informations dans un domaine conceptuel précis pouvait être améliorée selon que les participants avaient à leur disposition la liste de réponses regroupées en catégories. La tâche consistait à trouver sur le Web huit définitions relevant du domaine de la psychologie expérimentale (...)
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    Journées maliotes Malia, ville et territoire : organisation des espaces et exploitation des ressources, colloque organisé a l'Ecole française d'Athènes les 2-3 novembre 2007. [REVIEW]Maia Pomadère, Julien Zurbach, Martin Schmid, Jean-Claude Poursat, René Treuil, Olivier Pelon, Pascal Darcque, Aleydis Van de Moortel, Charlotte Langohr, Quentin Letesson, Hubert Fiasse, Piraye Haciguzeller, Maud Devolder, Jan Driessen, Sylvie Müller Celka, Carl Knappett, Dario Puglisi, Laurent Lespez, Tatiana Théodoropoulou, Anaya Sarpaki, Emmanuelle Vila & Daniel Helmer - 2007 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 131 (2):821-887.
    Les Journées maliotes organisées à l'École française d'Athènes les 2 et 3 novembre 2007 portaient sur l'organisation des espaces et l'exploitation des ressources, thèmes qui permettaient d'unir les approches effectuées ces dernières années selon deux échelles différentes, celle de l'agglomération et de l'urbanisme d'une part, celle de l'organisation du territoire d'autre part. Les contributions portent toutes sur des recherches en cours, dont la publication est récente ou proche. Elles sont publiées ici sous forme de résumés argumentés et reflètent fidèlement les (...)
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    Martin Heidegger.Danielle Moyse - 2013 - Escalquens: Oxus. Edited by Alexis Lavis.
    Martin Heidegger est sans aucun doute l'un des penseurs majeurs du XXe siècle, si ce n'est le penseur du XXe siècle, au sens où sa pensée permet d'entrer en intelligence avec notre temps, ouvrant par là une voie profondément méditante vers ce qui vient à nous. Mais l'oeuvre de ce philosophe a aussi la réputation d'être difficile d'accès, en raison précisément de l'originalité de son travail. Comme il le disait lui-même de ses travaux : "Ils ne sont pas des (...)
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    The Davidic Messiah in the Old Testament Tracing a Theological Trajectory.Daniel D. Martin - 2022 - Perichoresis 20 (5):87-96.
    The present article revisits the issue of messianism, particularly as it finds its expression in the Davidic kingship tradition, that is, the belief concerning a Davidic Messiah. Since Old Testament messianic hope is inseparably associatied with the dynasty of David a study that traces the various perspectives concerning the Davidic Messiah chronologically and canonically can bring a contribution to this important Old Testament theme, too often neglected. Thus, the study shows that the belief in the coming of a Davidic Messiah (...)
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  13.  40
    Perceptual-motor performance under rotation of the central field.Daniel W. Smothergill, Richard Martin & Herbert L. Pick - 1971 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 87 (1):64.
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    Effects of feedback, competitor’s gender, and locus of control on reaction time of females.John L. Allen, Sheriene E. Saadati, Catherine L. Clements & Daniel D. Moriarty - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (3):242-243.
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    Microstructural Integrity of the Hippocampus During Childhood: Relations With Age and Source Memory.Daniel D. Callow, Kelsey L. Canada & Tracy Riggins - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Towards a plurality of perspectives for nurse educators.Daniel D. Pratt, Stephanie L. Boll & John B. Collins - 2007 - Nursing Philosophy 8 (1):49-59.
    Most of the literature on teaching within nursing education presents teaching and learning strategies as unproblematic and widely generalized across contexts, content, learners, and educators. We argue that to be truly effective, teaching strategies must be harmonious with instructor’s beliefs, intentions, and actions. In this paper, we introduce the notion of a plurality of effective teaching based on five different ‘perspectives on teaching’– each composed of different beliefs, intentions, actions, and strategies and illustrated by cases from nursing education. We propose (...)
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    Anticholinergic drugs and open-field behavior in chickens.Daniel D. Moriarty, Kim A. Roberts, John L. Allen & Charles W. Hennig - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (6):559-562.
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    The effect of thirst on locomotor light escape in rats.Daniel D. Moriarty, Ellette K. Elwin & John L. Allen - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (3):211-212.
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    Towards a plurality of perspectives for nurse educators.Daniel D. Pratt phd, Stephanie L. Boll rn bsn med & John B. Collins phd - 2007 - Nursing Philosophy 8 (1):49–59.
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    “A Double-Edged Sword”: A Brief History of Genomic Data Governance and Genetic Researcher Perspectives on Data Sharing.Kayte Spector-Bagdady, Kerry A. Ryan, Amy L. McGuire, Chris D. Krenz, M. Grace Trinidad, Kaitlyn Jaffe, Amanda Greene, J. Denard Thomas, Madison Kent, Stephanie Morain, David Wilborn & J. Scott Roberts - 2024 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 52 (2):399-411.
    As the federal government continues to expand upon and improve its data sharing policies over the past 20 years, complex challenges remain. Our interviews with U.S. academic genetic researchers (n=23) found that the burden, translation, industry limitations, and consent structure of data sharing remain major governance challenges.
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    Detecting and Quantifying Mind Wandering during Simulated Driving.Carryl L. Baldwin, Daniel M. Roberts, Daniela Barragan, John D. Lee, Neil Lerner & James S. Higgins - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    The Spawns of Creative Behavior in Team Sports: A Creativity Developmental Framework.Sara D. L. Santos, Daniel Memmert, Jaime Sampaio & Nuno Leite - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  23.  15
    Leo Strauss, judaïsme et philosophie.Danielle Cohen-Lévinas, Marc B. de Launay, Gérald Sfez & Leo Strauss (eds.) - 2016 - [Paris]: Beauchesne.
    Leo Strauss (1899-1973) a inscrit sa pensée dans l'héritage de la tradition grecque, mais également dans celui de la tradition biblique. Se rapportant au judaïsme comme à une révélation de la Loi (pour laquelle la dimension de la foi est secondaire), il fait retour à une pensée juive (Pourquoi nous restons juifs) et tente de prolonger la réflexion de Maïmonide dans les conditions nouvelles des temps présents. Il s'oppose ainsi à sa rénovation par l'approche phénoménologique de Franz Rosenzweig comme à (...)
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  24.  37
    Neutrality and the Academic Ethic.Robert L. Simon, H. D. Aiken, Steven M. Cahn, Robert Holmes, Sidney Hook, David Paris, Laura Purdy, John Searle, Martin Trow, Richard Werner & Robert Paul Wolff - 1994 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In Neutrality and the Academic Ethic, distinguished philosopher Robert L. Simon explores the claim that universities can and should be politically neutral. He examines conceptual questions about the meaning of neutrality, distinguishes different conceptions of what neutrality involves, and considers in what sense, if any, institutional neutrality is both possible and desirable. In Part II, a collection of original and previously published essays provides different views on these and related issues.
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  25. Special issue: Informal science education.L. D. Dierking & L. M. W. Martin - 1997 - Science Education 81 (6).
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  26. Colegio Naval de Guerra de Estados Unidos, EE., UU. Formación ética y de educación en el Ejército de los EE.UU.Ph D. Martin L. Cook - 2014 - In Javier Fernández Leal, S. Contreras & Jorge Orlando, Los retos éticos de las fuerzas militares. Medellín, Colombia: Biblioteca Jurídica Diké.
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    Overcoming the ontology enrichment bottleneck with Quick Term Templates.Philippe Rocca-Serra, Alan Ruttenberg, Martin J. O'Connor, Patricia L. Whetzel, Daniel Schober, Jay Greenbaum, Mélanie Courtot, Ryan R. Brinkman, Susanna Assunta Sansone & Richard Scheuermann - 2011 - Applied ontology 6 (1):13-22.
    When developing the Ontology of Biomedical Investigations (OBI), the process of adding classes with similar patterns of logical definition is time consuming, error prone, and requires an editor to...
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    Acknowledgment.Pauline Jacobson, Kent Bach, Shalom Lappin, Martin Stokhof, Daniel Buring, Peter Lasersohn, Thomas Ede, Paul Dekker Beth Levin Zimmermann, Julie Sedivy & Ben Russell - 2005 - Linguistics and Philosophy 28 (6):781-782.
  29. Acknowledgment.Pauline Jacobson, Kent Bach, Daniel Buring, Paul Dekker, Shalom Lappin, Peter Lasersohn, Beth Levin, Julie Sedivy, Martin Stokhof, Thomas Ede & Ian Lyons - 2004 - Linguistics and Philosophy 27:777-778.
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  30. The Influence of Temporal Orientation and Affective Frame on Use of Ethical Decision-Making Strategies.Cheryl K. Stenmark, Laura E. Martin, Lynn D. Devenport, Alison L. Antes, Michael D. Mumford, Shane Connelly & Chase E. Thiel - 2011 - Ethics and Behavior 21 (2):127-146.
    This study examined the role of temporal orientation and affective frame in the execution of ethical decision-making strategies. In reflecting on a past experience or imagining a future experience, participants thought about experiences that they considered either positive or negative. The participants recorded their thinking about that experience by responding to several questions, and their responses were content-analyzed for the use of ethical decision-making strategies. The findings indicated that a future temporal orientation was associated with greater strategy use. Likewise, a (...)
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  31.  67
    Applying Cases to Solve Ethical Problems: The Significance of Positive and Process-Oriented Reflection.Alison L. Antes, Chase E. Thiel, Laura E. Martin, Cheryl K. Stenmark, Shane Connelly, Lynn D. Devenport & Michael D. Mumford - 2012 - Ethics and Behavior 22 (2):113 - 130.
    This study examined the role of reflection on personal cases for making ethical decisions with regard to new ethical problems. Participants assumed the position of a business manager in a hypothetical organization and solved ethical problems that might be encountered. Prior to making a decision for the business problems, participants reflected on a relevant ethical experience. The findings revealed that application of material garnered from reflection on a personal experience was associated with decisions of higher ethicality. However, whether the case (...)
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  32.  78
    Normality and the Treatment-Enhancement Distinction.Daniel Martín, Jon Rueda, Brian D. Earp & Ivar R. Hannikainen - 2023 - Neuroethics 16 (2):1-14.
    There is little debate regarding the acceptability of providing medical care to restore physical or mental health that has deteriorated below what is considered typical due to disease or disorder (i.e., providing “treatment”—for example, administering psychostimulant medication to sustain attention in the case of attention deficit disorder). When asked whether a healthy individual may undergo the same intervention for the purpose of enhancing their capacities (i.e., “enhancement”—for example, use of a psychostimulant as a “study drug”), people often express greater hesitation. (...)
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  33. Contents of thought.R. H. Grimm & Daniel D. Merrill - 1991 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 181 (2):245-246.
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    Essay Reviews, Book Reviews, Further Books of Note, Article of Interest.Carlos S. Alvarado, Michael Grosso, John L. Turner, Ryan D. Foster, Randy Moore, Alton Higgins, Hugh Cunningham, F. David Peat, Greg Ealick, Michael E. Tymn, Guy Lyon Playfair, Michael Schmicker, Horace Crater, Stephen C. Jett, Daniel Sheehan & Henry H. Bauer - 2011 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 25 (1).
    This paper consists of commentaries about and the reprint of an autobiographical essay authored by Italian medium Eusapia Palladino and published in 1910. The details of the essay are discussed in terms of the writings of other individuals about the life and performances of the medium. The essay conveys a view of Palladino as a person who has suffered much in life and has a mission to help scientific research into mediumship. Typical of the positive emphasis in autobiographies in general, (...)
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    Characterizing the time course of decision-making in change detection.Anthea G. Blunden, Dylan A. Hammond, Piers D. L. Howe & Daniel R. Little - 2022 - Psychological Review 129 (1):107-145.
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    Faith, Reason, and Political Life Today.Michelle E. Brady, Paul A. Cantor, Thomas Darby, Henry T. Edmondson Iii, Stephen L. Gardner, Marc D. Guerra, Gregory R. Johnson, Joseph M. Knippenberg, Peter Augustine Lawler, Daniel J. Mahoney, James F. Pontuso, Paul Seaton & Ashley Woodiwiss (eds.) - 2001 - Lexington Books.
    This rich and varied collection of essays addresses some of the most fundamental human questions through the lenses of philosophy, literature, religion, politics, and theology. Peter Augustine Lawler and Dale McConkey have fashioned an interdisciplinary consideration of such perennial and enduring issues as the relationship between nature and history, nature and grace, reason and revelation, classical philosophy and Christianity, modernity and postmodernity, repentance and self-limitation, and philosophy and politics.
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    Implicit learning for probable changes in a visual change detection task.Melissa R. Beck, Bonnie L. Angelone, Daniel T. Levin, Matthew S. Peterson & D. Alexander Varakin - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (4):1192-1208.
    Previous research demonstrates that implicitly learned probability information can guide visual attention. We examined whether the probability of an object changing can be implicitly learned and then used to improve change detection performance. In a series of six experiments, participants completed 120–130 training change detection trials. In four of the experiments the object that changed color was the same shape on every trial. Participants were not explicitly aware of this change probability manipulation and change detection performance was not improved for (...)
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  38. A history of AI and Law in 50 papers: 25 years of the international conference on AI and Law. [REVIEW]Trevor Bench-Capon, Michał Araszkiewicz, Kevin Ashley, Katie Atkinson, Floris Bex, Filipe Borges, Daniele Bourcier, Paul Bourgine, Jack G. Conrad, Enrico Francesconi, Thomas F. Gordon, Guido Governatori, Jochen L. Leidner, David D. Lewis, Ronald P. Loui, L. Thorne McCarty, Henry Prakken, Frank Schilder, Erich Schweighofer, Paul Thompson, Alex Tyrrell, Bart Verheij, Douglas N. Walton & Adam Z. Wyner - 2012 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 20 (3):215-319.
    We provide a retrospective of 25 years of the International Conference on AI and Law, which was first held in 1987. Fifty papers have been selected from the thirteen conferences and each of them is described in a short subsection individually written by one of the 24 authors. These subsections attempt to place the paper discussed in the context of the development of AI and Law, while often offering some personal reactions and reflections. As a whole, the subsections build into (...)
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    Physically Distributed Learning: Adapting and Reinterpreting Physical Environments in the Development of Fraction Concepts.Taylor Martin & Daniel L. Schwartz - 2005 - Cognitive Science 29 (4):587-625.
    Five studies examined how interacting with the physical environment can support the development of fraction concepts. Nine‐ and 10‐year‐old children worked on fraction problems they could not complete mentally. Experiments 1 and 2 showed that manipulating physical pieces facilitated children's ability to develop an interpretation of fractions. Experiment 3 demonstrated that when children understood a content area well, they used their interpretations to repurpose many environments to support problem solving, whereas when they needed to learn, they were prone to the (...)
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    Improving 3D convolutional neural network comprehensibility via interactive visualization of relevance maps: evaluation in Alzheimer’s disease.Martin Dyrba, Moritz Hanzig, Slawek Altenstein, Sebastian Bader, Tommaso Ballarini, Frederic Brosseron, Katharina Buerger, Daniel Cantré, Peter Dechent, Laura Dobisch, Emrah Düzel, Michael Ewers, Klaus Fliessbach, Wenzel Glanz, John-Dylan Haynes, Michael T. Heneka, Daniel Janowitz, Deniz B. Keles, Ingo Kilimann, Christoph Laske, Franziska Maier, Coraline D. Metzger, Matthias H. Munk, Robert Perneczky, Oliver Peters, Lukas Preis, Josef Priller, Boris Rauchmann, Nina Roy, Klaus Scheffler, Anja Schneider, Björn H. Schott, Annika Spottke, Eike J. Spruth, Marc-André Weber, Birgit Ertl-Wagner, Michael Wagner, Jens Wiltfang, Frank Jessen & Stefan J. Teipel - unknown
    Background: Although convolutional neural networks (CNNs) achieve high diagnostic accuracy for detecting Alzheimer’s disease (AD) dementia based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, they are not yet applied in clinical routine. One important reason for this is a lack of model comprehensibility. Recently developed visualization methods for deriving CNN relevance maps may help to fill this gap as they allow the visualization of key input image features that drive the decision of the model. We investigated whether models with higher accuracy (...)
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    Distributed learning and mutual adaptation.Daniel L. Schwartz & Taylor Martin - 2006 - Pragmatics and Cognition 14 (2):313-332.
    If distributed cognition is to become a general analytic frame, it needs to handle more aspects of cognition than just highly efficient problem solving. It should also handle learning. We identify four classes of distributed learning: induction, repurposing, symbiotic tuning, and mutual adaptation. The four classes of distributed learning fit into a two-dimensional space defined by the stability and adaptability of individuals and their environments. In all four classes of learning, people and their environments are highly interdependent during initial learning. (...)
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    Cerebral Dynamics during the Observation of Point-Light Displays Depicting Postural Adjustments.Eduardo F. Martins, Thiago Lemos, Ghislain Saunier, Thierry Pozzo, Daniel Fraiman & Claudia D. Vargas - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    The Hopkins-Oxford Psychedelics Ethics (HOPE) Working Group Consensus Statement.Edward Jacobs, Brian D. Earp, Paul S. Appelbaum, Lori Bruce, Ksenia Cassidy, Yuria Celidwen, Katherine Cheung, Sean K. Clancy, Neşe Devenot, Jules Evans, Holly Fernandez Lynch, Phoebe Friesen, Albert Garcia Romeu, Neil Gehani, Molly Maloof, Olivia Marcus, Ole Martin Moen, Mayli Mertens, Sandeep M. Nayak, Tehseen Noorani, Kyle Patch, Sebastian Porsdam-Mann, Gokul Raj, Khaleel Rajwani, Keisha Ray, William Smith, Daniel Villiger, Neil Levy, Roger Crisp, Julian Savulescu, Ilina Singh & David B. Yaden - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (7):6-12.
    Volume 24, Issue 7, July 2024, Page 6-12.
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  44. Designs for knowledge evolution: Towards a prescriptive theory for integrating first-and second-hand knowledge.Daniel L. Schwartz, Taylor Martin & Na'ilah Nasir - 2005 - In Peter Gardenfors, Petter Johansson & N. J. Mahwah, Cognition, education, and communication technology. Erlbaum Associates. pp. 21--54.
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    Book Review Section 2. [REVIEW]Henrietta Schwartz, Ronald D. Cohen, James J. Shields Jr, Mazoor Ahmed, Albert E. Bender, Paul J. Schafer, Charles S. Ungerleider, Andrew T. Kopan, Joseph Watras, George A. Letchworth, Ronald M. Brown, John H. Walker, Ralph B. Kimbrough, C. O. X. Roy L. & Raymond Martin - unknown
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    Programming in Martin-Löf’s Type Theory: An Introduction.Bengt Nordström, Kent Petersson & Jan M. Smith - 1990 - Clarendon Press.
    In recent years, several formalisms for program construction have appeared. One such formalism is the type theory developed by Per Martin-L f. Well suited as a theory for program construction, it makes possible the expression of both specifications and programs within the same formalism. Furthermore, the proof rules can be used to derive a correct program from a specification as well as to verify that a given program has a certain property. This book contains a thorough introduction to type (...)
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    Let's move forward: Image-computable models and a common model evaluation scheme are prerequisites for a scientific understanding of human vision.James J. DiCarlo, Daniel L. K. Yamins, Michael E. Ferguson, Evelina Fedorenko, Matthias Bethge, Tyler Bonnen & Martin Schrimpf - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e390.
    In the target article, Bowers et al. dispute deep artificial neural network (ANN) models as the currently leading models of human vision without producing alternatives. They eschew the use of public benchmarking platforms to compare vision models with the brain and behavior, and they advocate for a fragmented, phenomenon-specific modeling approach. These are unconstructive to scientific progress. We outline how the Brain-Score community is moving forward to add new model-to-human comparisons to its community-transparent suite of benchmarks.
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    Lowness for effective Hausdorff dimension.Steffen Lempp, Joseph S. Miller, Keng Meng Ng, Daniel D. Turetsky & Rebecca Weber - 2014 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 14 (2):1450011.
    We examine the sequences A that are low for dimension, i.e. those for which the effective dimension relative to A is the same as the unrelativized effective dimension. Lowness for dimension is a weakening of lowness for randomness, a central notion in effective randomness. By considering analogues of characterizations of lowness for randomness, we show that lowness for dimension can be characterized in several ways. It is equivalent to lowishness for randomness, namely, that every Martin-Löf random sequence has effective (...)
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    Organizational Change, Normative Control Deinstitutionalization, and Corruption.Kelly D. Martin, Jean L. Johnson & John B. Cullen - 2009 - Business Ethics Quarterly 19 (1):105-130.
    ABSTRACT:Despite widespread attention to corruption and organizational change in the literature, to our knowledge, no research has attempted to understand the linkages between these two powerful organizational phenomena. Accordingly, we draw on major theories in ethics, sociology, and management to develop a theoretical framework for understanding how organizational change can sometimes generate corruption. We extend anomie theory and ethical climate theory to articulate the deinstitutionalization of the normative control system and argue that, through this deinstitutionalization, organizations have the potential to (...)
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  50. National Center for Biomedical Ontology: Advancing biomedicine through structured organization of scientific knowledge.Daniel L. Rubin, Suzanna E. Lewis, Chris J. Mungall, Misra Sima, Westerfield Monte, Ashburner Michael, Christopher G. Chute, Ida Sim, Harold Solbrig, M. A. Storey, Barry Smith, John D. Richter, Natasha Noy & Mark A. Musen - 2006 - Omics: A Journal of Integrative Biology 10 (2):185-198.
    The National Center for Biomedical Ontology is a consortium that comprises leading informaticians, biologists, clinicians, and ontologists, funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Roadmap, to develop innovative technology and methods that allow scientists to record, manage, and disseminate biomedical information and knowledge in machine-processable form. The goals of the Center are (1) to help unify the divergent and isolated efforts in ontology development by promoting high quality open-source, standards-based tools to create, manage, and use ontologies, (2) to create (...)
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